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Atti del Convegno
"Le Medicine Tradizionali, Complementari e Non Convenzionali nel Servizio Sanitario Nazionale"
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Articoli recenti
Homoeopathy vs. conventional primary care in children during the first 24 months of life—a pragmatic randomised controlled trial
Commentary: Working with patients' treatment expectations – what we can learn from homeopathy
Homeopathy for Chronic Non-specific Low Back Pain: Study Protocol for a Randomized, Double-Blind, Crossover, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial Investigating the Efficacy of the Biotherapic Lumbar Vertebra (The BIOVERT Trial)
Association between Acute and Chronic Inflammatory States: A Case-Control Study
Clinical Outcomes in Chronic Conditions: Findings from a Homeopathy Teaching Clinic using the MYCaW Instrument
Archivio SIOMI