Thlaspi bursa pastoris in Treatment of Urinary Stones: A Case Series

Background – Urinary stones are the most common cause of acute ureteral obstruction. The homeopathic medicine Thlaspi bursa pastoris (TBP) has many symptoms similar to the typical symptoms of urolithiasis, yet its clinical usefulness has not been well documented. Patients – In this study, the clinical symptoms of each of five patients, along with ultrasonographic evidence, were taken for the assessment of the outcome. TBP was prescribed in potency 30c and/or 200c to each patient on the basis of the main symptoms, typically dysuria, retention of urine and haematuria. Each case was followed for up to 6 months. Assessment of causal attribution of treatment effect was performed using the Modified Naranjo Criteria. Results – There was full recovery of all five patients and post-treatment ultrasonography showed no calculi remaining. The Modified Naranjo Criteria total score for each patient was either +8/13 or +9/13. Conclusion – TBP was observed to be effective in eliminating renal stones within a short span of time and without any complications.

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