Carolina Camargo de Oliveira, Simone Martins de Oliveira, Viviane M. Goes, Christian M. Probst, Marco Aurelio Krieger and

Gene expression profiling of macrophages following mice treatment with an immunomodulator medication

J Cell Biochem, 2008, 104 (4), 1364-1377

Dorly de Freitas BuchiCanova (CA) is a complex homeopathic medication used in diseases where the immune system is depressed. Previous studies demonstrated that it is neither toxic nor mutagenic and activates macrophages. We now evaluate CA effects on cytokine production and gene expression from mice macrophages. The global view of changes in expression of genes with known functions can provide a vivid picture of the way in which cell adapts to a changing environment or a challenge. We found a decrease in IL-2 and IL-4 production and a differential expression in 147 genes from CA group. These genes are mainly involved in transcription/translation, cell structure and dynamics, immune response, cytoprotection, enzymatic process, and receptors/ligands. With gene expression analysis we state that this medication provokes a reaction that involves alterations in gene expression profile mainly in the ones involved with macrophages activation, corroborating the laboratorial research and the clinical data.